XIV is the men’s ministry at FWC Church in Sioux City and is committed to building up men in their faith, leadership, and vulnerability. We believe Jesus is the only man that we should seek to pattern our lives after. Whatever your like, whatever your personality type is you are welcomed and called to this fellowship of men. You don’t have to chop wood, be super hairy, or eat raw meat to be a real man.


So, what is a real man? A real man is someone who has given the control of their life over Jesus. Someone who walks in integrity, faithfulness, strength, faith, resilience, and love. He does not give up, he does not give in, even when the world is against him. He looks to his Father before anyone else, he uplifts and upholds his family in their joy and pain, and he does not allow himself to be led astray by the world’s temptation. He does not battle against this world, but through the power of Jesus, demolishes the strongholds that try to keep him from being who God made him to be!

Next Event:

X-IV Men's Breakfast

First Saturday of Every Month at 8 AM

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